Organizing for abortion justice has long been a cornerstone of feminist action. Despite narratives that suggest that abortion is a middle-class white women’s issue, the truth is that people of color, poor people, LGBTQ people, gender-diverse people, and people with a range of abilities have long been central to feminist abortion justice activism. This activism has been as diverse in form as the lives of those doing it: protesting, attending meetings, writing Op-Eds, donating money, passing policies, organizing events, making phone calls, canvassing, creating art. Before abortion was legal, feminists found ways to help women secure illegal abortions. Some even learned how to perform the procedure themselves. Other feminists have fought for the repeal of laws banning abortion. Still others wheatpasted flyers on telephone poles. As this brief discussion suggests, feminists are not one homogenous group and often differ in terms of ideas, approaches, and desired outcomes. For instance, SisterSong, a women of color reproductive justice non-profit, emerged in response to mainstream reproductive rights organizations’ focus on abortion rights, rather than either abortion access or the many other reproductive issues that make it difficult for people to have and raise very wanted children. Reproductive justice activists make clear that choice cannot be equated with autonomy, equality, or justice, and at the same time, that liberation is fundamentally impossible without abortion access for all. Read on to learn more about all kinds of abortion justice activism—some of which, no doubt, emerged through passionate conversations at bars, cold drinks in hand, over a good game of pool.